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Player data

Name Raphaël Guerreiro
ClubFC Bayern München
Number of nominations for Comstats Dreamteam: 1
Market value9.690.000

Season data

2024/25 84
2023/24 83
2022/23 152
2021/22 80
2020/21 161
2019/20 162
2018/19 90
2017/18 15
2016/17 94

Next matches

Md. Date Opp. Loc.
22 Sat, 15.02 18:30 Bayer 04 Leverkusen a
23 Sun, 23.02 17:30 Eintracht Frankfurt h
24 Fri, 28.02 20:30 VfB Stuttgart a
25 Sat, 08.03 15:30 VfL Bochum h

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Location data

Loc. Appearances
Yellow Yellow-red Red Points Points per Match
Home + Away 16 (16) 1 (0) 0 0 0 84 5,25
Home 10 (10) 1 (0) 0 0 0 62 6,20
Away 6 (6) 0 (0) 0 0 0 22 3,67

Extended Location data

Loc. Shots (on goal) Fouls committed /
Fouls drawn
Passes (accurate) / Rate Duels (won) / Rate
Home + Away 12 (4) 5 / 6 906 (815) / 90% 61 (29) / 48%
Home 10 (4) 2 / 4 589 (524) / 89% 39 (21) / 54%
Away 2 (0) 3 / 2 317 (291) / 92% 22 (8) / 36%

Matchday data Season 2024/25

Md. Goals Cards In Out Pts. Opp. Loc. Result Points
ovr. / Ø
21 90 5 SV Werder Bremen h 3:0 94 6,27 Comp.
20 85 7 Holstein Kiel h 4:3 73 4,56 Comp.
19 83 2 Sport-Club Freiburg a 1:2 61 3,81 Comp.
17 Goal 14 TSG Hoffenheim h 5:0 101 6,31 Comp.
15 83 2 RB Leipzig h 5:1 107 7,13 Comp.
14 58 1 1. FSV Mainz 05 a 2:1 43 3,07 Comp.
13 92 9 1. FC Heidenheim h 4:2 93 6,64 Comp.
11 76 5 FC Augsburg h 3:0 106 7,07 Comp.
10 70 4 FC St. Pauli a 0:1 65 4,33 Comp.
9 5 1. FC Union Berlin h 3:0 95 5,94 Comp.
7 68 5 VfB Stuttgart h 4:0 96 6,00 Comp.
6 8 Eintracht Frankfurt a 3:3 82 5,47 Comp.
5 78 4 Bayer 04 Leverkusen h 1:1 61 4,07 Comp.
4 57 2 SV Werder Bremen a 0:5 106 6,62 Comp.
3 65 5 Holstein Kiel a 1:6 92 5,75 Comp.
2 6 Sport-Club Freiburg h 2:0 69 4,60 Comp.

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